
Tourism Eastland

We would like to thank Tourism Eastland and the photographers from Our Photo Comp - Out East for the use of their wonderful photos.  You can visit Tourism Eastland's website for more information gisbornenz.com.

Beach walk by Alicia Hongara

Alicia Hongara Beach walk 

Men at work by Ingrid Leitner

Men at work Ingrid Leitner

Morning walk by Don Pearson

Morning walk Don Pearson 

 Twilight play by Julia de Cleene

Twilight Play Julia de Cleene

Country girl visits Tolaga Bay Wharf by Maria Barbarich-Waikari

Country girl at Tolaga Bay Bay Maria Barbarich Waikari

Glorious rock pools at Kaiti Beach by Mary Caughley

Glorious rock pools at Kaiti Beach mary Caughley

Go Coast by Anja Koenig

Go Coast Anja Koenig

Grandaddy snapper by Tess McCormick

Grandaddy snapper Tess McCormick

Hard day at the office by Kylee Poole

Hard day at the office Kylee Poole

Early wave by Karen Eddy

Early wave Karen Eddy 

Learning to surf by Kylee Poole

Learning to surf Kylee Poole

Riders by Rebecca Williams

Riders Rebecca Williams

River flowing through rocks by Liam Clayton

River flowing through rocks Liam Clayton

Surf lesson by Kelly Adams

Surf lesson Kelly Adams

Taken for a walk by Gavin Smith

Taken for a walk Gavin Smith

Te Kuri a Paoa by Mason Smith

Te Kuri a Paoa Mason Smith 2

Touching statues by Mikayla Donnelly

Touching statues Mikayla Donnelly

Turanga Tane by Tim Gander

Turanga TAne Tim Gander

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