
Reasons to donate through Sunrise

We are a local organisation with deep roots in our community, while being part of a New Zealand group of community endowment foundations that provide guidance, encouragement and sharing of resources.

We invest your donated funds in perpetuity (forever) while using only the income earned on these funds for local needs.  That means we offer a responsible charitable choice with a long term impact.

We take a broad and inclusive view of what a community is, and provide grants to the widest possible range of organisations and initiatives. This means our community is supported in many ways, appreciating the diversity and unique characteristics of our area.

We provide a personal and flexible service, offering donors maximum tax advantage.  We will work with you to find the right giving to meet your financial situation and aspirations for your community.

We multiply the impact of gift dollars by pooling your gift with others. We gain economies of scale with the power of many contributions working towards the common goal of providing for the needs of our community.

We facilitate giving back to the community that has given so much to all of us. The board and committees of Sunrise are a dedicated group of volunteers who care about what happens where we live.

We work closely with you to align your vision for giving with the needs in our community.

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