Holdsworth Family fund supports the arts in Gisborne

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Originally published: Jun 11, 2020 (for current news please go to our stories page)

Gisborne Homeschool Drama Group has been doing annual performances since 2015. Last year they received a grant from the Dame Bronwen and Dr Peter Holdsworth Family Endowment Fund at Sunrise to help them stage C S Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

Their annual performances encourage children and youth, both home educated learners and traditionally educated students, to engage with the arts.

An important goal is to make theatre arts accessible to families at an affordable price. They promote their performances to low decile schools for free, or on a koha basis, and seek to offer children who would be unlikely to attend a theatre performance the opportunity to enjoy a high quality classic literature play adaption performed by peers of similar ages.

A long-time supporter and advocate of the arts Dame Bronwen believes creativity is an integral part of every aspect of our lives.

“Vibrancy and diversity of the arts is a vital component in enhancing the cultural, social and economic life of our community. Creativity is an integral part of every aspect of our lives – through all stages of education, culture and technology.”

Dame Bronwen went to see the play and says “the individual performances were terrific. My grandchildren and I absolutely loved it. Congratulations to Gisborne Homeschool Drama Group and parents for yet another successful production.”

Read more about how you can set up a named endowment fund and support the causes you care about every year.