Sunrise grant helps students learn to conserve the Coast

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Originally published: Feb 15, 2018 (for current news please go to our stories page)

Pā-Kirikiri is a traditional pā site of Whanau a Rua of Tokomaru Bay, Pā-Kirikiri was gazetted as a Marae Reservation in 1954. The main purpose of Pākirikiri Marae today is to preserve and maintain Matauranga Māori through Tikanga (protocols) and Kawa (practices) handed down from their ancestors. 

Pākirikiri Marae Trustees supported the establishment of a Pā Wānanga mo ngā Taiohi – a place of learning for youth - to improve educational achievement and increase engagement of Taiohi in Matauranga Māori. 

The Pākirikiri Wānanga was established in June 2016 to provide a Pā Wānanga mo ngā Taiohi to acquire knowledge and skills to restore and conserve land while gaining Level 2/3 NCEA credits in pest eradication. 

Their grant from Sunrise sponsored two students on the Hotaka Hanga Taiapa course 29-31 October 2017. Hotaka Hanga Taiapa is the first instalment in land conservation courses. 

Students learnt to install, dismantle and store temporary electric fences, open and draw out a coil of wire, tie knots, join wire, and prepare wire for transport and storage, identify and maintain fencing tools and equipment, and identify fencing construction materials and wire types. 

They also learnt to replace a broken post, repair broken wire in fences, and install wooden battens for fencing. 

Students gained new knowledge and skills to conserve land as well as gaining Level 2 NCEA credits. 

Read more about who else we've helped with Sunrise grants.